Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Psoriasis Causes More Condition_symptoms

I always arrive late for appointments.

Diligence, is not my forte.
The regularity, either.
These words there, I mix them with vodka coke, just to see if they always make them smart.

Everything that could be repeated at fixed times on the same days of the week and every month, alongside people who are changing at the same rate of time and calendar in general , it scares me, because the rate invariable waves when it is modeled on that of life, did nothing for me more natural and closer to death than in life.
Lead this life, it would be ... I feel snorkel with blinkers and incipient deafness, while limping, all that to go to the guillotine. A real pleasure, really.
Nobody wants that.

To me, there is born to the world in chaos, disorder in which she struggles as well as possible and that sometimes embarrasses him, either, but in the midst of which it is, at the turn of brothels and of entanglements, paths that lines irretrievably avoid straight.
The famous history of the school and bushes.

Ranger all that, it would be to fuck the souk in the disorder that I use as a benchmark; anywhere, everything is in place since there was not really room. That's how I am confused.

It does not mean I live in an infected mess, I display any sort of cockroach or mouse in the house, I mean, in fact -since it is all the work you chew, the more inside my head that the arrangement of my room.
course, my house is not really a catalog of furniture, where the table that is supposed to have endured drinking shines a thousand lights, where the spice cabinet seems out of the box and where, moreover, the spices just been put in their jars. Aligned jars. Perfectly parallel to the post-Dubon, Dubonnet Dubo where no oil splash and found the residence to which Martineàlacuisine pose after scaling and its styling.

course, with me it looks like to me. And, yes, I sometimes find my keys in the fridge and sometimes I literally put all my clothes on my bed to find the top it is imperative that I wear today. Top I forgot to dry, either. You will be very nice to remember.

Of course it is.

My mother told me - mothers always say big words, maternity distribute a guide for that? -
If you want to put order in your head, start with your store environment.
Was she right?
You can not create a vacuum in such a mess if it is outside.
Did she wrong?

Maybe I did not want to, not really envy, that everything is in place and I know where mine is. I am convinced that not knowing where I am going I am sure to get there. And I did not mean the feeling of taking big risks, and I violate no law, we will not shut myself up for that, I give myself just a bit of suspense and unexpected, and Indeed, it takes time. You know that thing crazy that everyone is missing.

I gives me all this because ultimately, it is never better served than by yourself loves me and that I deserve this fantasy. While holding the eminently sound.

We were believe that schedules and books arranged in alphabetical order would help. The wonderful scam. In came
clocks and layoffs to repeated delays. Have sold thousands of compartmentalized wardrobes, cut into the wood which we lack.
It's not by choice that people fall.
is boredom: dunno what to do ... hey, if I classify vinyl by date of purchase invoices through the rows in the 4th drawer? When I finished maybe I'm finally tired enough to sleep.
is through fear: disorder remember the infinitesimal chance that I to avoid death, order and soothes me like the picture I am in paradise. By
neurosis I want my guests understand that I am someone, someone well, we can not afford my head. Must be admired. I manage. And I try to convince myself, ok?
Or psychosis also: if the book rubs the lamp next to the table, where the world? anything goes, I am confused, there's more season. I am not frivolous, I'm not fancy, no, I want to be austere, stern-stern, I also want to decide myself to be for failing to learn from someone else.

course twice a year, I have pleasure in coupling the sweaters in wool and cashmere ones; align paperbacks under the floor of those do I order and lengthens by size and thickness, color why not, good sort of bad magazines. Jeter is my hobby. But, keep, and let live is my passion.

is what I see in others, the shadows where they have not cleaned for several spring and perhaps even encourage them to never touch it for they keep intact a corner reserved for old things we think or fluff that dares not hazarding. You never know someone as well as when we visited his attic. It is perhaps at this point where they attract me the most.

The other day I was thinking - yes because I had already thought of it before and not once - these girls I've heard tell me about their amoureuxchéridamourtoujours : "I love it when he hears me not, he suddenly is daydreaming, it is elsewhere and I, what I said, he heard nothing bah and I must say, it annoys me but it annoys me. "

I did not put the tone, I it simple, but usually it's tinged with bitterness, real bitterness, resentment and sorrow.
I think about it. Good. I do not understand.

Precisely, my favorite among those I like is their moments of absence. I like them to be there, attentive, they bounce, laugh, make me laugh or I do not know what, and thus we are two.
But after the blur generated by the attitude of the dreamer who called a dunce " you listening? "and in response the" ... Huh? What? I wait ... Again? "there, we were alone together, only two. Intimacy extreme, almost obscene .
I saw this person from our decor to get into his head and think about things that are often petrified of banality, but exactly, I was with this person when she let go and let a detail to bring the ... this song not heard since long, and why elsewhere, but what would he became the singer, is that I have a disk from him, I'd have to check ...

" ... Huh? What? I wait ... Again? "

course I say this because their flashes of aberrations are rarer than their cycles of attention and that this scarcity gives them particular value. Maybe if their moments of absence became more than their recurring moments of listening .... Maybe I will not attend more simply.

I love when my room will be surprised to come across a box of jewelry purchased between 95 and 96 while I was looking for a book that I must pay. I love just as much when a young man wakes me by offering me tea and, after several quarters of an hour, saying that the tea should be planted, picked and brewed from a lease, I am concerned to find where the cup the drink is waiting to fall on the promising full metaphysical reflection before a crack in the ceiling he had never noticed that and wondered where it came from and how to fix it.

My tea can wait, of course. Le type est là et ailleurs, tout à moi et pourtant inaccessible.
Il est juste là pour être bu, ce Earl Grey.
Vous n'êtes manifestement pas destinés à être seulement consommés, mais bien davantage à être observés. Et, en conséquence, aimés. En bazar et en pagaille. Dans tous les sens. Aucun thé du monde ne peut rivaliser avec ça.

Mon grand labyrinthe, ok, souvent, je m’y égare, et régulièrement, il en pousse certains à me perdre aussi, mais à la fin, à la toute fin, ça aura l’air goupillé comme sur du papier millimétré, vous verrez; ça prendra sens et forme, ce sera aveuglant evidence. It did this with all life, I have been sworn in for full death beds. By far, the differences and accidents are aligned with the rest because with hindsight it is accepted that everything is one big accident, a series of pranks.
Old age, it rounds the corner, and as I intend to finish round course, the angles will all become hiding places where I sowed pranks & jokes and reversals where 90 degrees will password-walls.

In addition, biopics, it's done by people who clean their houses before the maid arrives. This is nickel chromium. Everything will be alright.



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